Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sir Ken Robinson: Out of Our Minds

Sir Ken Robinson is perhaps one of the most creative and effective speakers on issues of innovation in business. Not surprising that he has done a lot of work with children and education to find out where grown-ups come from. He's not to be missed.

Still, I think his definition of creativity needs both some breaking down and some expansion to be both approachable and more scalable. Creativity, as I've posted, is the ability to learn continuously across contexts. It's the ability to identify where meaning resides across situations, both for you and for others, and to respond effectively (in whatever sense that accomplishes your goals). This also can be broken down into sustainable tasks. But see past posts for that.

The TED Conference has made available some of the presentations from this year, and Sir Ken was one of the speakers. For those who haven't heard him speak in person, here is a great sample of his very smart work.

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